Using API in R: optimized route

Hi All,

I would like to create a request to the API in R, but I am trying to find the correct inputs to httr2, even after reading its documentation. I am not sure of the placement of the locations input argument.

[{“address”:“Stratemakersveste 7, Arnhem”,“lat”:“51.944183168583265”,“lng”:“5.8522888008339029”},{“address”:“Spoordijk 8, Staphorst”,“lat”:“52.615909311957573”,“lng”:“6.2417455514837954”},{“address”:“Papekopperdijk1 / Hogebrug, Papekop”,“lat”:“52.040796021740633”,“lng”:“4.8417212064734638”},{“address”:“Spoordijk 3, Heukelom”,“lat”:“51.571771503906803”,“lng”:“5.1497328563086251”},{“address”:“Knoevenoordstraat 3, Brummen”,“lat”:“52.099297487035557”,“lng”:“6.1498974393968391”},{“address”:“Parallelweg 19, Sliedrecht”,“lat”:“51.832969772618505”,“lng”:“4.763065453190281”}]

req = POST(url2, authenticate(username, password) ,…)

How do i finish the statement above using locations as input the correct way?

UPDATE: I was able to solve it using the httr2 library:

url2 = ‘
req ← request(url2) |> req_auth_basic(username, password)
req %>% req_dry_run() # test
req ← req %>% req_body_form(locations = locations)
resp ← resp_body_json(req_perform(req))

We’re no R experts and we didn’t test, but it seems you should add your locations JSON to the arguments. We’d also think it may help to set the encoding.

req = POST(url2, authenticate(username, password), locations = "<your JSON>", encode = "form")

Thanks, I’ve tried it, but I receive an eror code 409.

edit: solved (see first comment)

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