Unlimited stops?

I am in the US, and have currently been unable to find anything like this until now. I have had to use Window’s, on my Mac, just so I could run Microsoft Street and Trips. This app has EVERYTHING I need, other than unlimited stops. I would love to support you, and buy a version that allows me this feature, if at all possible. I currently make routes that go from 15 to 60 stops a day, and cannot afford to pay vy the stop fees that some other companies demand, but I do love the way this app looks and works. Is there and options for me here in the U.S.??? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Keep up the great work, and thanks in advance!!

Hi and thanks for the compliments. The free version of RouteXL is already available for use in the USA. In fact, RouteXL works in any country for which Google made maps and directions available.

You can sort up to 20 adresses in the fastest order in the english version at http://www.routexl.com

To get more capacity up to 100 locations, we require a small donation via our payment provider Mollie. Unfortunately, Mollie payment services are not available in the US at this moment. Therefore we are working on the integration of Paypal for a next version.