Unable to create a loop for routing and unable to assign more that 1 routes to all points

  1. Unable to create a complete routing loop.
  • Previously I was able to START and FINISH at the same point (to create a close loop)
  • Now, it will auto assigned from where the route should START and FINISH
  1. Unable to have more than 1 route
    -Previously under options, if I choose number of rounds as more than 1, I will be get optimal route based on the number that I entered
    -Now, even I put number of rounds as 2, it still will give me only 1 route instead of 2

Some hints that may help:

  • Start off with entering your departure address in the seach bar. Only if that address is well located on the map, import the destination addresses.

  • Try another geocoding service from Options > Geocoding > Preference. E.g. select Google, Here or Mapbox.

If this does not help, share your input here or email to us.