I can’t seem to generate any routes anymore. No matter how many or which adresses i enter, i always get the same error:
Something went wrong. Please try again.
I figured there was something wrong mith my saved routes (favorites), so i tried deleting them all to start from scratch. I am unable to delete 1 of them, so i’m guessing there’s something wrong with that route that interferes with finding any new ones. It loads all the adresses just fine, but every time i try to find a route it gives this error. Even when i only enter 2 new adresses.
I found in a different post that it might have been because the adresses were situated to far from roads to generate a route, but i’ve checked this every time and this isn’t the problem.
Is there a fix to this? Can somebody help with deleting the last saved route to see if this helps?
Thanks in advance.